PS wire line sampling method
The front of the tunnel face is no longer a danger zone.
From vertical to horizontal and diagonal drilling. Precise sampling of the percussion wire line sampling method has become an indispensable survey method throughout Japan.
The percussion wire line sampling method, which was developed as a dedicated tool for KOKEN’s rotary percussion “Arrow drill” series has received the “Attention Invention Award” from the former Science and Technology Agency.
The combination of compact dedicated tools and Arrow drill has achieved extremely precise forward soil sampling while saving labour.
Since sampling can be performed vertically as well as horizontally or diagonally, it is installed in shield machines in combination with the compact type Arrow drill and is often used for forward exploration of tunnel faces.
The percussion wire line sampling method (PS-WL method) utilizes the rapid drilling force and the flexibility to excavate almost all stratum, which are the features of our rotary percussion drill RPD “Arrow drill”, for almost all stratum. It refers to the method of sampling or a set of dedicated tools for it.